5 Benefits of Messy Play

5 Benefits of Messy Play

Here are the 5 benefits of messy play. Play is typically misconstrued as a treat. However, play is an essential part of a child’s development and really is more of a necessity. It is a time for learning, exploring and creativity.

Messy play is a great form of play that allows the child to create and explore with sensory stimulation… without abiding by any rules or expectations. We often find ourselves weighing up the pros and cons of messy play with our clients when discussing sand, water and mud play options.


5 benefits of messy play


5 Benefits of Messy Play & How it Helps:


1. Relaxation Time:

Messy play is a great stress buster. It’s important that children learn to deal with stress, however, it’s hard to explain to a child how to deal with an abstract problem. You cannot physically see stress, you cannot hold it in your hands, but that’s where messy play comes in.
Playdough is a great stress-busting tool. Playdough play can be a quiet or vocal activity and it can be done alone or with others.


2. Essential Motor Skills:

The need to learn key fine and gross motor skills is essential. Running, getting dressed, eating, touching, feeling… the list goes on. There are so many messy play activities that can help a child with these skills – sand and water play to clay modelling and mud play etc. It is the best way for little ones to discover and see how things work.


3. Decision Making:

No child can play wrong, and especially when it comes to messy play. Arts and crafts with glue and glitter and dried pasta – basically anything that can be used to make something else. The popular go-to craft activity is mud or sand, pasta jewellery or paper hats. Let them decide what colours go together or what material to use and watch them express their interests and demonstrate their talents.


4. Conversation & Communication:

Messy play is perfect for conversation and communication as it isn’t guided by adults! There are no strict rules, which in turn leaves them talking to their peers about what they are doing or creating. They can talk and discuss what others are using to get the desired effect. This helps them create a stronger bond between each other and the ability to work and play well alongside others.


5. Textures – Touch & Feel:

One thing a lot of children struggle with is textures. It is more often than not the reason why they do not like certain foods or refuse to try them. This is often taken with them through their lives, sometimes as far as adulthood!
Expose little ones to as many different textures as possible during messy play, even with foods and this will most definitely help them adjust and be more accepting to a wider variety of foods and textures.


Have you got any other benefits of messy play? Share your ideas with us on our social media platforms by following the links below. 


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As you may have already seen, we are designers and creators of bespoke play and inspirational leisure spaces that give you, and your venue the ‘WOW’ factor. We deliver something unique for each and every client. Need Help with your project at your visitor attractions?


Greenspan is also the UK distributors for Outdorable. A unique range of movable outdoor play equipment that encourages Messy Play and self-development, ideal for Early year and Nursery Gardens. View the range in our free downloadable brochure here.


Talk to us on +44 2380 476 737 or go to our Contact Us page here.



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Welcome to Bold Street’s hottest new venue! 

One Under has launched its newest venue in LiverpoolEmbrace the spirit of Dia de Los Muertos by playing the exciting, new 9-hole golf game. Each hole is inspired by the iconic Mexican holiday, featuring modern-day twists throughout. Interactive theming, flickering candles, larger-than-life skulls, neon artwork and thrilling challenges transport players directly into the vibrant festivities!

Time to hear from the team:

The course was designed with a Day of the Dead theme, which offers so much visual richness. The darker venue lent itself to creating a luminescent environment and allowed each hole to sing. The patterns, colours and material finishes were inspired by the vivid imagery of the Mexican festival day, aiming to celebrate some of its rituals and traditional décor through high quality props and lighting. – Hannah Day, Senior Creative.

I enjoyed being a apart of turning this iconic space into the amazing venue that it now is! – Ryan Palmer, Project Manager.

The excitement doesn’t end there! This One Under venue also features a 9-hole ‘Ocean Themed’ mini-golf course, shuffleboard, Pool, Arcade Games, DJs and a 360° bar, making it a one-of-a-kind environment for the ultimate night out.

Whether you’re a student wanting a fun night out with friends, a family looking for something to keep everyone entertained or a corporate group tired of boring team-building days, One Under has specialised offers for everyone!

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